Polland - Zywiec - Happier Students

Polland - Zywiec

Zespół Szkół Agrotechnicznych i Ogólnoksztalcacych Centrum Ksztalcenia Praktycznego is the official name of the school. The Complex of Agricultural and General Education Schools in Żywiec is an educational institution, located in the province of Silesia, in Żywiec. The school is located on the outskirts, about 3 km from the city center. Students of our school come from diversified social and economic background. Some of them come from rural area. There is a challenge for the school to enable our students the best access to science and culture. Due to the low economic status many pupils are entitled to social assistance (school starter kits, social scholarships).
There are 329 students attending high school, technical school and vocational school. ZSAiO (the abbreviation of the school name) educates young people in three types of school: The first one is three years general high school with a military profile ending with a matura exam and obtaining a certificate of completion of the defensive course. The authorial program includes military training and additional educational activities such as military drill, tactics, sport shooting, radio station service, martial arts, diver courses, PPP sanitary training, defense course against weapons of mass destruction OPBMAR. The school's offer includes four four-year-long training techniques. There are four occupations: hospitality techniques, tourist service techniques, horse breeding techniques and nutrition and gastronomic services. In each learning department there are practical classes and workshops.
The youth of our school conducts apprenticeships in hotels, tourist offices of horse studs and catering establishments in Poland and abroad. That is why learning foreign languages is the priority at our school. Students learn English, German, French and Spanish. In order to create the best learning conditions for our students in 2009-2014, a simulation company, Hotelik pod Dębem and Biuro Turystyki i Promocji Regionu were established. During the school year, teachers prepare students for competitions, olympiads, sports competitions and qualifying courses. As part of gaining experience, students and teachers participate in program trips during which they have to demonstrate skills acquired in the course of vocational subjects. Students and teachers are involved in projects, the school implements various European educational projects. Students know the rules of functioning of European organizations, they want to cooperate with young people in Europe. It is widely known that bad communication between teachers has a negative impact on student-teacher relations.
Thanks to the new project we could improve the relation and become well. Participants involved in the project design are teachers with experience in various areas: conducting classes, raising funds for their implementation, participation and coordination of projects and organization of activities related to this scope.